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Eye Drops For Dry Eye

Eye Drops For Dry Eye From Our St. Johnsbury, Montpelier, and Lancaster Optometrist

Everyone should have their eyes examined on a routine basis by an eye doctor, even those rare few of us with perfect vision! Getting a routine eye exam is the best way to promote early detection of vision problems and ensure that your current prescriptions and other vision-correcting treatments are up-to-date. It also goes without saying that anyone suffering from an acute or chronic eye health problem, such as dry eyes, should seek professional help from an eye doctor. Read on to learn how our St. Johnsbury, Montpelier, and Lancaster optometrist team provides effective treatment for people suffering from dry eyes.

eye drops for dry eye from our st. johnsbury optometrist

Are You Having Dry Eye Symptoms?

Dry eyes are a common eye condition characterized by inadequate tear production, which leads to decreased moisture of one or both eyes. This leads to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms including itchy, red, swollen eyes that are burning or otherwise painful; watery discharge; crustiness around the eye; blurry vision; and eye fatigue. Causes vary from person to person and may include anything from medication side effects to environmental irritants to an underlying health condition.

The Best Eye Drops For Dry Eyes

When you visit our dry eye doctor team for help, our optometrists take the time necessary to identify the underlying cause of your dry eye symptoms. This is the best way to ensure that whatever treatment we recommend will be effective at relieving your symptoms and preventing recurring issues. 

  • For the more simple cases of dry eyes, we may recommend over-the-counter eye drops that act as artificial tears to increase eye moisture.
  • For some patients, we may prescribe medicated eye drops, such as Cyclosporine. These eye drops help reduce your symptoms by dampening your immune system response, increasing tear production, and healing/soothing external structures of the eye (including the corneas, or the clear dome-like structure that covers the colored part of your eye). A typical usage would be twice a day for one to several months. 
  • Corticosteroid eye drops may also be useful on a short-term basis to reduce inflammation.

In addition to eye drops, our dry eye doctor team may also recommend certain lifestyle modifications to relieve or eliminate your symptoms. This may include wearing glasses instead of contacts, avoiding certain environmental irritants, supplementing your diet with healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and talking to your primary doctor about any other medications you may be taking.

Call Shippee Family Eye Care Today!

Shippee Family Eye Care is proud to provide quality dry eye treatment for the communities of Lancaster, New Hampshire and Montpelier and St. Johnsbury, Vermont. If you're struggling with dry eyes and are ready to begin your journey back to healing today, go ahead and give our dry eye doctor team a call today. See a better future for yourself or your loved ones and call Shippee Family Eye Care now!

Our Locations

(603) 788-3561

(603) 444-2484

St. Johnsbury:
(802) 748-3536

(802) 223-7723